Tokio Hotel "18plus - Don't scream - Clubgig"
We all want to see Tokio Hotel, but a few of us want to hear them, too!
Tokio Hotel, light of the East, consists of Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg.
Four boys from Magdeburg, fighting to make music for their fans for many years!
No way too far for them and they do everything for somehow being very close to all their fans.
We want to thank that band and hope them to exist for a very long time in the future!
The cult of that band has changed in the past! Only if you look at 2006, you will see a lot of changes concerning the fans and also the band. The band reached the stadium 4 of security uptill now, a stadium which only allowes a life with very strong measures of that security. No concert takes place under “normal” conditions.
- Fans are sleeping in front of the concert hall for 10 days
- Fans are telling lies to their parents and run away
- Fans are waiting in front of the hotels for hours or days and that mostly ends in an action of badgering for the band
- Fans are climbing stairs at the concert halls
- Fans are crawling under the decor into the backstage area and so on...
Besides the strong besetment of the band there are actions like brawls during the concerts, and especially the screech which is only loud and unnormal is very cruel. A deafening screech of the fans which nearly makes it impossible to listen to the band’s music. But now there are also fans of Tokio Hotel who don’t want to tolerate that behaviour any more! Indisposition, dissatisfaction and insecurity is broading between these people whether they want to tolerate that actions for visiting more concerts of the band or not.
Is the acquisition of the ticket the same as the property of the band, of the crew and the hall? No!!
- We wish a concert without someone getting deaf!
- We wish a concert with a view on the band without having a huge poster in front of your eyes!
- We wish a concert for which we don’t have to come to the hall 12 hours before it starts or more just to stand in the first row!
- We wish a concert in which we can laugh about the band’s jokes without an unnormal screech!
- We wish a peaceful concert without brawls or fights!
- We wish a concert in which we can cheer the band during the intro as musicians!
- We wish a concert in which we can sing the songs with the band without complaining about the screech!
- We wish a concert in a club just for fans who are older than 18 years!
- We want to enjoy a concert in a little location, celebrating with other fans, listening to the music and feeling the passion of that music!
- We wish that the band could integrate the “older” fans in their plans of the next tour and creates a concert for Over-18-fans!
We want to celebrate, present ourselves to the band and show them that they are not just objects of the girl’s cupidity and that there are also fans who like their music and want to hear it! There are a lot of fans with love to their music and not just love to the boys as persons.
And therefore we are fighting!
So please support us with sending an e-mail! With your vote we can call attention to the band and the management!!!
At least our first priority lies within getting the mails to show universal that there are really a lot of people interested in such a concert. A lot of people are interested but do not mail us.
So, don`t forget:
for more go to ---> there you will find how to join and supprot this action and where to send your e-mail.
there are already 167 mails! for this contest!
if you think this is a good idea and you are more than 18 JOIN!
actions myspace supportpage: (there u don't send your e-mail to support! )
source: (I dont know, but I adore this Idea!!! )